The Church’s Spiritual Ministry

The regular church service is conducted on Sundays from 14.00—18.00, On Thursdays from 11.00 – 13.30 pm is the time of prayer for the total ministry of the Church. In addition, there are about 12 ministry sections; in which spiritual programs are carried out in the Church following their daily programs. The programs are comprising spiritual service, time of prayer, financial works, women’s, men’s, youth programs, Sunday school, worship service, outreach program, diaconia, literature and media, sanitation and food service sections and sub-sections.

Sacramental Ministries

1. The Administration of Holy Baptism

Since the Church believes and accepts infant and adult baptism, the Church, based on the request of her members, and in accordance with her regulations administers the one time Christian baptism of the Church in the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, one Triune God; and she also commends the children to the Lord in prayer.

2. The Lord’s Supper/ Holy Communion

The members of the Church who have attended the basic Christian education of Holy Baptism and who are assured of their salvation in the name of Jesus Christ are eligible to participate in sharing the Holy Supper of the Lord. In this regard the Church conducts its ceremony.

3. The Holy Marriage / Matrimony

Since our Church believes Christian marriage is the holy act of the Church, the Church conducts the requested marriage ceremony between a man and a woman who are the members of the Church.

4. Sunday School

Every Sunday, the Church offers Sunday school teaching to the children. The Church focuses on the lives of her children that they able to be nourished and grow with the true Word of God.

5. Bible Study

The Church encourages her members to study the living Word of God privately and in a group because it is essential and has benefit for the spiritual life of Christians. It is also a base for spiritual growth in Christian faith, so that the Church urges her members who live closer together that they may form Bible study groups with their neighbors, in their villages or towns.

The Church Budget / Giving

The Church yearly allocates running budget for her ministry. The main source of the income of the Church is from her members, which is collected as a gift and also from other external bodies. Any kind of income and expenses of the Church is handled according to the budget of the Church to be implemented. Whether it is internal or external collection or income of the Church, it goes through the bank account of the Church. Anybody who would like to contribute to or give financial aid to the Church’s ministry is able to use the church’s bank account. The account number of the church has been indicated in the details of the Church information.

The Church’s Vision, Mission and Responsibility

The vision, mission and the responsibility of the Evangelical Covenant Church of Shalom, has been stated briefly as follows:

  1. Give training to the disciples or followers of Jesus who have received Him as their personal Savior in order to prepare them for the Church’s ministry and get enough ministers for service.
  2. Encourage the Church members to accomplish the ministry of the Great Commission which the Lord Jesus has commanded.
  3. By the work of love of God, the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit, promotes the sustainable fellowship between the Church leaders and the members which can be appreciated by others.
  4. In promoting the ministry of the Great Commission in the town and in its surroundings (Matt.28:19-20); the people may be able to hear the Gospel to be saved, evangelizing the Good News that the believers be able to grow to the maximum likeness of Christ, also teaching them that they be able to fulfill their tasks.
  5. Serve, body and soul (holistic ministry) following the biblical mission of Jesus Christ which He fulfilled on earth.
  6. Work to realize God’s promise and covenant which He has given for our Church.
  7. Giving thanks to God through worship according to the Word of God and to thoughtfully serve God with the spiritual gifts each member is endowed with.
  8. Perform holy ordinances, like ministry of the Word; the Lord’s Supper; Holy Baptism; holy ministry in accordance with the teachings of the Bible.
  9. Collect gifts which are given in cash for outreach program and for the support of the evangelism work, like almsgiving (offerings), gifts of love, tithe and others.
  10. Organize and empower different groups of the Church members which may be helpful for the edification and growth of the Church ministry: – This includes youth work, women work, Sunday school, choir group, prayer group, worship committee, home to home Bible study groups and others.
  11. Form fellowship with the Evangelical Churches in Bergen town and its surroundings.
  12. Cooperate with the Central Church to accomplish the mutual Christian responsibility in participating in various ministries; serving the whole person (holistic ministry) to develop the needed skills which is helpful to promote fruitful ministries.